Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Day in the Life of Cali Cat

"Oh good, your here, now get out and feed me!"
We spent most of the day waiting for the farm to defrost, so not much to report other than able to get in some afternoon lessons. So I thought I would introduce you to Cali, Farm Cat Extrordinaire!
Grumpy Cali
Happy Cali

I rescued Cali from the animal shelter. She was semi-feral and sick with URI (upper respiratory infection). I needed a barn cat so asked for one that was going to be euthanized. I had to give her medication for the first week. She in turn repayed me for my kindness by spending the next year biting me as often as she could. Even rubbing on me to get me to pet her, then turning to bite me. She also would sneak up behind me and bite me in the leg. But she follows us everywhere and has been with us for 4 years now and really settled in. We have worked through our issues and, for the most part, she has stopped biting me. I usually only receive one if she is laying on me and I disturb her royal highness by actually doing something as ridiculous as try to get up! She can usually be seen working hard around the farm, assisting with lessons, supervising pony nap time, sunbathing, helping schedule lessons, etc... It's a rough life....but some kitty has got to do it. Here are some pics of Cali working hard around the farm:
Scheduling lessons

"Puddle, puddle, in the arena..."

"...whose the prettiest kitty in the world?"

"I'll just ride back here"

"Oooh, I'll drive!"

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