Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ride Time

We have had a few weeks of soggy weather and it's been hard to work in ride time in between all the rain drops. There were a few dry days, but our arena looked more like a swimming pool than a place to ride. I finally was able to work in a ride with Pilgrim the other day. He is much more forward and responsive, and I am doing much better with my seat and hands. I'm more confidant how to keep him straight and am really starting to get a better feel overall. He still is struggling with the contact and I can't wait to get the trainer out to do another ride on him as well. He is starting to reach into it, but eventually talks himself out of it and balks. Honestly though I'm not only happy with his progress but am thrilled with mine. I also think some of his issue in his last ride was the arena was still a bit soggy and deep in spots....which he hates. Those seemed to be the spots where he had the biggest issues in. I will say I was impressed that the guys were working on building the new club house/tack shop next to the arena (lots of banging, hammering, etc...) and Pilgrim never flinched an eyelash. Although when the ride was over and I untacked him, he decided to wander over and supervise! No pics of our ride unfortunately but here are a few of me torturing him before the parade!
Santa's Little Helper
Not Happy
Tolerating me =)
Poor fella....but he's cute!
Such a good sport he is!

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