Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So Much To Do, So Little Time

I've been a major blogging slacker lately. This is my busy time of the year and by the time I get home I am usually physically and mentally wiped.

So for a quick catch up:

The kids both got straight A's on their report card the other day! Go kids, I'm so proud of all their hard work!

I have a horse in training this month for a 30 day tune up. Her name is Annie and I just adore working with her. She is always willing and has a great brain. She's a lot of fun to work with.

Johnny's shoulder is healed all up good as new. He is doing great and back under saddle. He even has a fancy new couture saddle pad that we found on clearance. We have moved permanently out of the round pen for riding and into the arena. I have also ridden him in the front jump field too. He has some minor gate issues but I was actually able to work them out today by just simply adding in riding with a dressage whip. I never even had to use it, but just carrying it kept him from balking at the gate. He is a blast to ride. I have set some pretty lofty goals for him this year but have the utmost faith that he can pull it off. Once I get his flat work down I want to take him to a dressage show in June. I also want to start him back over fences and do a combined training test with him in August. I would like for Faith to be able to show him in September in Combined Training. Keep your fingers crossed for us! I'll try to get some videos of him soon. He's a bit of a hot mess right now but each ride gets better as he figures out what he needs to do and I find my position and balance with him.

Pilgrim left on Saturday to the Trainer for 30 days. He was suppose to leave the first of the month but we had issues with the trailering once again. He loads great, but when I close it up he goes nuts. My trainer came with her stock type trailer and hauled him in it. He did great! All he needs is to be able to look out. Unfortunately for my fully enclosed trailer, we may have to go trailer shopping soon. I will find out Thursday how he is coming along. I'm so excited. I'm hoping there are shows in our future but I'm not counting my chickens.

Show season is now in full swing and our team competed again at the Stonegate series. My student Lora Grace won High Point Youth for the second show in a row. Faith brought home a record 16 ribbons competing on 2 horses. She showed both Chip and Lulu. She did awesome and I am so proud of them. The team's next show is the second weekend in May at ETRC 4-H show. Faith will actually be showing one of Heather's horses for her, Junie. Dwight will also get to show as well and will be showing Billy. Faith and I have a Dressage/Combined Training Show the first weekend in May. Faith will be showing Chip in Green as Grass Combined Training (Intro Test A and 18" Stadium) and Intro Test C. I'll be showing my trainer's horse Rebel as long as he is feeling okay. He has been battling abscesses as of late.
Faith and Lulu in Trail
The completed every obstacle and won 4th out of 12

Faith and Chip rocked out their classes together

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