Sunday, October 9, 2011

One Lovely Blog Award

I was so excited to receive my first award today!
Thank you Cjay over at Artemis Areia for sending this my way! It was an awesome surprise. The conditions of the award are I need to pass it on to 15 other blogs and tell you 7 things about myself. Fun!

Okay, so the One Lovely Blog Award goes to....drum roll please:

Wylie Eventing
Dressage Mom
Tacky Tack of the Day
Polka Dot Periodical
My Country Genes
Dressage Pony
Appaloosa Dressage
Dressage Training Journal
Memoirs of a Horse Girl
Confessions of a Struggling Dressage Rider
The Literary Horse
A Work In Progress
Roni's Weigh
A Fat Girl & A Fat Horse

About Me:
1. I worked as a Kennel Manager in charge of Behavior and Training at an Animal Shelter for 7 years that handled more than 17,000 animals a year. While it was extremely rewarding, it was also extremely stressful, demanding (long hours and on call all the time for emergencies) and hard on myself and my family. When I met my wonderful hubby we made the decision for me to leave there and focus on the horses and my family.

2. While I've worked with many other breeds over the years I have primarily worked with Quarter Horses and it's where my heart lies. I've never found another breed I connect with more than the QH, but I am also becoming addicted to Paints.

3. I love paperwork! I could make excel spreadsheets all day long!

4. I grew up near Chicago, but am a Southerner at heart and will stay in the South til the day I die. I would love to visit out west though, my husband says I will love it.

5. I have a brother who is scared to death of horses and wants nothing to do with them. He does have a Siberian Husky that is his child though.

6. I started this blog to practice writing. It is my dream to be brave enough to write professionally one day.

7. I am extremely shy and used to be deathly afraid of public speaking. I used to have to travel and speak at conferences and teach large classes dog training and how to read behavior. Teaching riding lessons over the years has actually helped me overcome my fear of public speaking. At one conference in Louisville, Ky I even got to give a presentation with Dr. Bob Miller on how Natural Horsemanship has changed the future of Horse Training and how Positive Reinforcement was doing the same for Dog Training.

Thanks again!


  1. I know I haven't commented on your blog before but it's one of my favourites! I really love how you're proving that a Quarter Horse is good for more than just western events, I've met too many people who laugh at the idea of a Quarter Horse jumping or especially, doing Dressage.

    I am also really shy but like you, horses have really helped me to overcome that fear. They truly are amazing.

  2. Hooray for Quarter Horses and Dressage! Me, too!

    Thank you for following my blog and for the award!

  3. Thank you for the award. Now I have to think of new things to reveal.

  4. Hi! Thanks so much for the award! Don't think I'm awful but I'm predicting that I won't get around to passing the award along. I'm stretched a little thin on time at the moment (as I'm sure you can relate!)

    You and your horse are really cute together. :)

    Thanks again!

  5. Thank you for the lovely award and reading the blog!

  6. Thanks for the award! I'm glad you like my blog!

    I grew up riding Quarter Horses, my family breeds and trains cow-horses, and they will always have a special place in my heart. While I don't have any now, I always love to see them being used in dressage. They are so versatile, steady and willing to please. While they may not always shine in the medium and extended gaits, anyone who's ridden a good cow-horse knows that they excel at collected and lateral work!
