Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stonegate Hunter Show

Faith attended the Stonegate Hunter Show on Saturday, her first rated show. We were very nervous, me especially. We got Chip loaded in the trailer at the crack butt of dawn and headed to the show. Freaking out because I didn't think I would have time to braid, I was pleasantly informed by the lady parked next to us that most don't braid at this show, even though it is rated and was one of their medal shows, they are super beginner friendly. Totally relieved, I got Faith dressed and pony tacked and off to warm up.....that's when we saw the peacocks!

Yep, the whole farm was covered in them. So while walking around the arena and letting everyone settle in, I look over and see a peacock heading straight for Chip. It had actually ducked under the fence and was wandering around the arena. Chip spooked (he was already fired up from being in a new place) and was looking panicky. Faith worked him through it and he eventually never even gave them a second glance (by the end of the show he was hand grazing next to one!). They warmed up on the flat and then started working over the crossrails at the trot. He was excited but all was going well. Faith started working him over the fences at the canter. One of the fences had red flowers under it. Chip doesn't seem to care about any flowers or brush, except he hates red! Sure enough he rushed the jump, over jumped it and tried to run off afterwards. Faith tried to pull him up but he was barreling towards another rider and pony and she one rein stopped which he stopped and chunked her off the side. She dusted herself off and got back on and finished her schooling with no other issues.

Waiting for her first class to begin Faith ran to get the sand out of her butt. She then climbed back on and headed in. She did Hunter Ground Poles and took 2nd out of 5. She then did Equitation Ground Poles, 1st out of 6, Equitation Under Saddle, 1st out of 6....and took Reserve Champion of the division! She then took first in Hunter Under Saddle and 1st in Equitation over Crossrails! She rocked it out! We were so proud of her, and more importantly she was proud of herself! She wants to go back to their schooling show on September 24th.

Waiting for 1st class
What a great day! All that hard work paid off!

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